If you are interested in starting an escape business or you own a business and you are looking to expand, we have a program that will allow you to use our games and help you create revenue.
Our escape rooms are ranked in the top 10 out of 100 games in our region. When we build our games we focus on durable construction and cost-effective supplies. It’s important to us that our games last as long as you need them. Each game is tested and refined. This allows us to work through any issues that may arise. Games are not available for licensing until we have tested them in our own gaming facility for a minimum of 6 months. We guarantee the most refined version of the game at the time of licensing, with access to any updates we may make along the way.
Our design team makes unique games that are fun and creative in order to provide players with that immersive and entertainment experience they are looking for. Our players often tell us that they can not wait for our next game to open and sign up for our release newsletters which has grown to over 1500 players. Check out our customer’s feedback on or read the reviews on our games done by some escape enthusiasts ( and you will see that we strive for perfection in every game we develop.
Please contact us for licensing information at